Your Better Life as a Path to Sustainability

Do you love the life that you’re living? If not, when will you?

We’ve been conditioned to put off happiness. Part of this is social because most of us don’t know how to be happy. We think happiness will come later after some achievement or change of circumstance.  

I believe that when we individually start to live happier, healthier, savvier, more connected lives then we start to make a better world. First, because we become empowered to be who we are and second because we shift some of our behaviors and habits and those changes will happen to be better for the environment. What’s more, by living this way, we can model it for others. The powerful thing is that we can shift other people’s behaviors without convincing them to care about the environment. And that’s huge – because let’s face it, there’s a lot of folks who just don’t get it.

While we continue to raise environmental awareness, I think it’s time to add a new strategy. 

This strategy flies in the face of the narrative that says that we have to give up living well in order to help the environment. I believe that’s a false narrative and that it’s backwards – we need to live better to help the environment.

Is this relatable..

Someone starts their day and they’re running behind, they grab something on the go, sit in and curse at traffic, arrive at work already stressed and frustrated. Lunch is probably fast food at their desk. Then the commute home. They’re doing it for their family but how much do they get to enjoy their family and how much does their family get to enjoy them? Even when they’re home, mentally they’re somewhere else.

I’m not saying everyone should quit their jobs. I’m saying that we need to rethink things, shift things.

Stress and negativity often become a cycle. If we don’t even realize that we’re in a negative cycle then we can’t get out. Picture this negative cycle as a staircase. If you were falling down that staircase, the first thing you’d need to do is stop your fall, sometimes you might need to slow your fall before you can even stop.

There’s a quote that says, ‘Insanity is doing the same things and expecting a different result”.

But we keep doing the same things and seem surprised that we’re not happier, that we’re not living better. Sure we have better stuff, and to be clear I’m not opposed to stuff; but stuff can also become clutter and debt. Too many wind up with clutter and debt because they’re trying to find happiness in stuff.

Instead, I want to help you to:

  • Learn how to be happier – this can be hard because we’re conditioned to be on alert to problems. It takes effort and knowledge to overcome this but it’s worth the work.
  • Get clear on what’s important to you – that can include stuff but for most of us, we want better relationships and experiences (and some of the stuff, too).
  • Learn how to be savvier – that is, most of us don’t receive any financial education and as a result we can be very messy with money. Money isn’t good or bad, it’s just a tool. But most of us haven’t been taught how to use that tool to our benefit.

When we’re already happy in ourselves and our lives and we start to take charge of our money and really see how we can put it to work for us, then we’ll find that we don’t need as much stuff as we once thought. Then we can make better decisions, not only around our money but around our time, energy and attention – as we do, we’ll live better, while making a better world.

Are you ready to start living better? If so, I encourage you to schedule your Free 40 minute breakthrough session with me today!